Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Freshly Made Sketches Challenge #638

Happy Wednesday!  I hope your week has started well!  We are finally getting some warmer weather!  It's been so lovely!  There is still the odd day of rain but we need it and we won't complain!!  Trevor and I did a great hike on Saturday - as always I'll post pictures below!  We're having trouble finding trails and had to do a bit of a drive to get to this one but it was so worth it!  

We have a new sketch at Freshly Made Sketches this week!  Our hostess is the our favourite Aussie and my fututre hiking partner, Narelle Farrugia!  Narelle's cards are so gorgeous so head over to her blog and check them out!  

I really loved Narelle's sketch this week.  I was a little unsure what I would do at first but I needed an 18th birthday card for the new adult in our house!  I had also just purchased these golf dies and knew they would work perfectly!  

Cardstock: Hammermill White Coverstock, Real Red, Basic Black, Pacific Point, Silver
Stamps: Bitty Birthday Wishes (MFT)
Ink: Pink Fresh Detail Black
Dies: Double Stitched Squares, Double Stitched Circles,  Itty Bitty Strips (MFT)
Other: Tasteful Textile Embossing Folder (SU - retired)

Our hike was at Table Mountain on the weekend!  It was one of the only areas not calling for rain!  The hike was just over 10 km with almost 900 m elevation gain.  It was a bit of a grind but so worth it.  It was so beautiful.  There were little waterfalls all along the way.   We hit a pretty big patch of snow at the top.  It was almost 2 feet deep in some parts.  Pretty crazy!  

Thanks so much for stopping by today.  I hope you'll join in our challenge this week.  If you head over to the Freshly Made Sketches blog you'll get all the details and see some pretty beautiful cards!  
You have until Monday at 1 PM EST to get your card entered into this week's challenge!

Have an amazing day!



  1. Jen, you have the most amazing die sets! Last week's BBQ was so fun - this one is even better! Your son will love it, but might say 'where's the driver?' ha! I was always a few clubs short of a full set!
    =] Michele

  2. This my friend is an amazing design! I love it!
