
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Freshly Made Sketches #87

Happy Wednesday!  It's been one of those weeks!  We now have a very special 7 year old at our house.  I honestly think he grew over night.  I don't know how that's possible but this morning my sweet 5 lb little boy seemed bigger!  I'm not sure how ready I am to have a 7 year old at our house!

This week's Freshly Made Sketches sketch is brought to us courtesy of the talented Jennifer Timko!  You need to stop what you're doing right now and head on over to her blog to check out her fabulous card!  Okay...maybe wait until you're done reading this!

So I obviously needed a birthday card for a certain 7 year old.  If you didn't know before, Caleb LOVES Lego.  It's more than love...he's obsessed with is.  It's all over our house.  It drives me crazy!  I could not, not make him a Lego card again!  It's clean, it's simple but he loved it!

Cardstock: Whisper White, Real Red, Pacific Point, Daffodil Delight, Basic Black
Stamps: Best Dad Ever
Ink: Basic Black
Other: 1/2" Circle Punch, Timeless Type Die, Dimensionals

Thanks for stopping by!
Head on over to the Freshly Made Sketches Blog and check out what the designers have created for you.  You will not be disappointed!

Have a great day!


  1. Happy Birthday to your son, your card is perfect for a Lego lover. Appreciate your time when they are cute and adorable since last night I was ready to pull all my hair out with my 17 year old.

  2. Absolute CAS perfection! I love this!

  3. This is so much fun and sooo perfect for a little boy!!

  4. Legos are so fun and so is this card! I'll bet he was thrilled with it!

  5. This is such a fabulous card for a little man! Love the lego effect and the overall clean-ness to your card Jen!

  6. What a fun birthday card for a big 7 year-old boy! Perfect!

  7. What a creative card, I am pinning this one for sure!

  8. Great Lego card! My daughter was big into Legos when she was little. She's way past 7 now (she's 23!). Where does the time go?

  9. This is such a great design! I love the texture that you created with the circles. I thought of using the elements in a similar way, with the month and date in the two squares for a birthday card, but went with an uber-simple design instead.

  10. I am so in love with the Legos! We have lots (and lots) of them here and I need to CASE this! Fabulous...and happy birthday belatedly to Caleb!

  11. Well, it's definitely the perfect card for a Lego-obsessed 7 year old boy! Great job, Mom! ;) I think it's fun and the colors look great together!

  12. What a fun lego card-- LOVE the bold colors!!! You rocked this sketch:) <3
