
Monday, May 27, 2013

CAS(E) This Sketch Wedding!

Hope you're having a good start to your week!  It was a beautiful day here in Burlington today!  I was able to get a few cards made this past weekend.  I really am mourning the end of our youngest's nap time...that was my card making time.  I don't know what I'll do come summer when both boys are home!!!

I do love the CAS(E) this Sketch! challenge.  I can't wait to check their blog each week to see what the newest sketch is!  I must say I gave this one a few tries before I decided on a card...sad sometimes!!!

I decided to go with a wedding card....I guess it could also be an anniversary card!  I saw a piece of that fabulous textured DSP (who's name escapes me) sticking out of my scraps bin and just wanted to use it!  Throw on a few rosettes and we were good to go!

Cardstock: Basic Black, Very Vanilla
DSP: SU...but can't remember...
Stamps: Petite Pairs
Ink: Basic Black
Other: Rosettes, Basic Pearls

Thanks for stopping by!  I'll be back again tomorrow!!!

Have a wonderful day!
