
Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Freshly Made Sketches Challenge #530

Happy Wednesday!  I hope you're having a great start to your week!  We have had an interesting week.  Caleb (our oldest) dislocated his shoulder last Tuesday night and required a late night trip to the Emergency Room.  Since we haven't really been in Calgary that long and don't usually require hospitals I didn't even know where to go!  Needless to say we had a good experience and Caleb starts physio on Friday!  Unfortunately for him, it looks like ski season is over and the start of golf season will be delayed!

That aside, we have a fabulous new sketch this week at Freshly Made Sketches!  Our hostess this week is the Queen of Clean cards herself Jen Mitchell!  Jen's cards are fabulous so you'll want to head over to her blog to check them out!  

So of course I had in my head what I wanted to do for this card and then changed my mind and tried something else which didn't work so I went back to my original plan.  Sort of.  I went a little old school with this card and the distressing.  Now that I look at it I'm not sure I even like it!  Oh dear.  I wanted to make a Mother's Day card but I didn't have a sentiment small enough to fit in the box and a bigger box just didn't look right.  I tell you, sometimes we card makers face challenging dilemmas!  

Cardstock: Sahara Sand, Very Vanilla, Wild Wasabi, Whisper White
Stamps: Itty Bitty Birthdays
Ink: Sahara Sand, Wild Wasabi
Other: Lovely Layers Hydrangea (Honey Bee Stamps), Dainty Diamonds Embossing Folder, Stitched So Sweetly Dies, Basic Pearls, Dimensionals

Thanks so much for stopping by today!
I hope you'll take some time to head over to the Freshly Made Sketches blog and check out the gorgeous cards the Design Team have created!  

We sure hope you'll join in our challenge this week!

Have an amazing day!



  1. Classic and soothing, simply beautiful :)

  2. IN spite of all those challenges, your card is stunning. The flowers are just gorgeous and look so real. It can still be a Mother's Day card with the sentiment.

  3. Oh no, poor Caleb! I hope he mends quickly. And I love what you do with this hydrangea die. Your cards are always gorgeous!

  4. This is sooooo elegant! Love it! And I am so sorry to hear about Caleb's shoulder....ouch! Glad he is going to be ok!

  5. Oh, poor, Caleb! Gorgeous card, Jen! The texture is amazing.

  6. Love this card! Those blooms are simply gorgeous!

  7. Another absolutely stunning flower card, Jen! Wonderful dimension and colours! I hope Caleb is much better now.

  8. I like it! The flowers are stunning - and I like the softness that the distressed edges give it. Sorry for your hospital adventures - and hope Caleb requires nicely.
