
Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Freshly Made Sketches Challenge #501

Happy Wednesday!  I hope you're having a great start to your week!  We are gearing up for a new school year here in brand new schools.  I think I'm more nervous than the kids.  I don't think I would do very well being the new kid in a school.  My introverted personality doesn't like change too much!  

A huge thank you to everyone who participated in Freshly Made Sketches' 500th sketch challenge!  We had some amazing entries and it was so fun to see everyone's cards.  We have a brand new sketch this week from the amazing Kim Singdahlsen!  Kim's cards are always so beautiful so you'll want to head over to her blog and check them out!  
Kim's sketch is pretty fun!  I had some fun playing around with different colour and paper combinations!  I am regretting not matting the patterned paper.  Not much I can do about that now!!  I pulled out my favourite sunflower die and went to town!  I wanted a fall'ish theme to this one!  I'm totally getting into the fall mood (my pumpkins are still nicely packed away but they're coming out soon)!!!

Cardstock: Early Espresso, Bumblebee, Garden Green, Be Dazzling Specialty
DSP: Harvest Meadow
Stamps: Itty Bitty Birthdays
Ink: Early Espresso
Other: Sunflower Dies, Tasteful Texture Embossing Folder

Thanks so much for stopping by today!  I hope you'll head over to the Freshly Made Sketches blog and check out the beautiful cards the Design Team have created!  I also hope you'll join in our challenge this week! 

Have an amazing day!




  1. That is one gorgeous flower! Beautiful fall card! Looks like your craft room must be totally up and running!

  2. This is so lovely and perfect for this time of year when those warm autumn colors welcome the cooler weather! I love those sparkly little sprigs behind that pretty big flower! It's a beautiful take on the sketch :)

  3. Your card is beautiful! I love the big flower bloom, leaves & dry embossing! Hope school goes well!

  4. I hope your kids had a good week! I totally get how you feel. I am such an introvert in new situations.
    I love the pop of champagne fancy paper!

  5. This is wonderful! The patterned paper on the long leaves adds such a fun whimsical touch to this gorgeous card!

  6. Oh I love this card! It's so full of details and fabulous colours!

  7. I LOVE those sunflowers - and so wonderful in the Bumblebee with a hint of sparkle!

  8. This is such a pretty card! This sunflower looks gorgeous and I just love this fall color scheme.

  9. This is so pretty!! I LOVE the flower you used on this!!

  10. This card really caught my attention, with the warm autumnal colors and that big, decorative sun flower. It's a beauty!
